ITS 2012 will be held in Cambridge, MA, USA!
Please visit the official website of ITS 2012, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.
Welcome to ITS 2011
The Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2011 Conference (ITS) is a premiere venue for presenting research in the design and use of new and emerging tabletop and interactive surface technologies. As a new community, we embrace the growth of the discipline in a wide variety of areas, including innovations in ITS hardware, software, design, and projects expanding our understanding of design considerations of ITS technologies and of their applications.
Building on their success in previous years, ITS again features Papers and Notes presentations, as well as tutorials, posters, demonstrations tracks and a doctorla symposium.
ITS 2011 will bring together top researchers and practitioners who are interested in both the technical and human aspects of ITS technology. We invite you to begin planning your submissions and participation for this year's conference!
Conference Chair
- Jun Rekimoto, The University of Tokyo / SonyCSL, Japan
- Hideki, Koike, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
- Kentaro Fukuchi, Meiji University, Japan
Program Chair
- Yoshifumi Kitamura, Tohoku University, Japan
- Daniel Wigdor, University of Toronto, Canada
We appreciate the generous support of the following sponsors, without whom this conference would not be possible. Click on the logos to learn more about our generous supporters, and let us know if you are interested in becoming a sponsor.



Academic Sponsors

Best Paper Award
The eLabBench - An Interactive Tabletop System for the Biology Laboratory
Aurélien Tabard, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Juan David Hincapié Ramos, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Morten Esbensen, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Jakob Bardram, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Best Note Award
Dynamic Portals: A Lightweight Metaphor for Fast Object Transfer on Interactive Surfaces (Note)
Simon Voelker, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Malte Weiss, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Chat Wacharamanotham, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Jan Borchers, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Best Poster Award
Anamorphicons: An extended display with a cylindrical mirror
Chihiro Suga, Itiro Siio
Best Demo Award
FuSA2 Touch Display
Kosuke Nakajima, Yuichi Itoh, Takayuki Tsukitani, Kazuyuki Fujita, Kazuki Takashima, Yoshifumi Kitamura, Fumio Kishino
Co-located workshop
Dexis 2011
Dexis 2011 focuses on the use of interactive surfaces for visual data exploration. Interactive tabletops and surfaces provide rich opportunities for data visualization and analysis, and consequently are used more and more in such settings.
Organizer: Petra Isenberg (INRIA)